[ewg] RE: El saludo ! Click it now (verification)

Ashley afoyle at spamarrest.com
Sat Aug 16 07:00:57 PDT 2008

Ashley here,

I'm protecting myself from receiving junk mail.

Please click the link below to complete the verification process.
You have to do this only once.


Spam Arrest - Take control of your inbox!

You are receiving this message in response to your email to
Ashley, a Spam Arrest customer.

Spam Arrest requests that senders verify themselves before
their email is delivered.

When you click the above link, you will be taken to a page
with a graphic on it. Simply read the word in the graphic,
type it into the form, and you're verified.

You have to do this only once per Spam Arrest customer.
Below are the complete headers of the message that this email 
was generated in response to.

Return-Path: <ewg at openib.org>
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Message-ID: <000501c8ffa7$05cb4e91$803a0287 at mnfjveb>
From: "dorie gilbert" <ewg at openib.org>
To: <ashley at afoyle.com>
Subject: El saludo ! Click it now
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 12:07:02 +0000
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