[ewg] Mail revenu en erreur / Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

Mail Delivery System MAILER-DAEMON at club-internet.fr
Sat Aug 16 09:42:10 PDT 2008

This is the mail system at host relay-4t2.club-internet.fr.

Le message suivant n'a pu etre envoye a un ou plusieurs des
destinataires pour la raison indiquee ci-dessous.

Vous trouverez egalement une liste des principaux messages

                   -- Postmaster Club-Internet


I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

                   -- Club-Internet Postmaster

----- Aide / Help ------------------------------------------
Messages d'erreur courants / Common error messages

unknown user         Mauvaise adresse, utilisateur inconnu.
                     Bad adress, the recipient doesn't exist.
host not found       Le domaine de l'adresse n'existe pas.
                     The domain part of the address doesn't exist.
disc quota exceeded  La boite de votre correspondant est pleine.
                     The recipient's mailbox is full.
message size ...     Message trop gros pour ce destinataire.

----- Message d'erreur / Failure reason --------------------

<anne.jankowski at club-internet.fr>: host lmtp.cs.clubint.net[]
    said: 552 La boite de votre correspondant anne.jankowski at club-internet.fr
    est pleine, mailbox is temporarily over quota (in reply to end of DATA
-------------- next part --------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: "birch bor-rong" <ewg at openib.org>
Subject: Horny 19 year old blonde teen bounces on big dick
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 14:54:45 +0000
Size: 1742
URL: <http://lists.openfabrics.org/pipermail/ewg/attachments/20080816/84ec2aa0/attachment.mht>

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