[ewg] Rejected mail: Live Sex

Mail System Mailer-Daemon at lists.openfabrics.org
Sat Aug 16 13:21:41 PDT 2008

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
comments at whitehouse.net

   ----- These addresses were rejected because -----
Your message was an unsolicited bulk email (UBE). Spam email is not welcome
here. Please refrain from sending it.

You are explicitly notified that use of this mail server for the purpose
of delivering UBE is unauthorized and strictly forbidden. By directly or
indirectly instructing this computer to deliver UBE, you may be
committing criminal computer trespass under Commonwealth of Virginia code
section 18.2-152.4, a class 1 misdemeanor. Repeated use may escalate to a
class 6 felony. You may also be committing theft of computer services
under section 18.2-152.6, also a class 1 misdemeanor which can escalate
to a class 6 felony. 

This message was logged. You have been warned.

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