[ewg] ib_local_sa: symbol errors

Johnny Wang jwang at chelsio.com
Tue Feb 12 18:09:16 PST 2008



Please excuse me if this question seems elementary-I've just started
using OFED.


I'm currently using OFED-1.3-rc4 on a 64-bit RHEL 5u1 machine.  I
noticed in dmesg that I'm getting a bunch of these messages:


ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_unregister_client

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_unregister_client

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_register_event_handler

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_register_event_handler

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_unregister_event_handler

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_create_ah

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_create_ah

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_register_client

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_register_client

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_unregister_mad_agent

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_unregister_mad_agent

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_post_send_mad

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_post_send_mad

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_create_send_mad

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_create_send_mad

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_set_client_data

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_set_client_data

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_query_port

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_query_port

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_get_client_data

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_get_client_data

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_sa_pack_attr

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_free_send_mad

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_free_send_mad

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_destroy_ah

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_destroy_ah

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_get_cached_gid

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_get_cached_gid

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_free_recv_mad

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_free_recv_mad

ib_local_sa: disagrees about version of symbol ib_register_mad_agent

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_register_mad_agent

ib_local_sa: Unknown symbol ib_sa_unpack_attr


I spoke to Steve Wise and he directed me here so I'm hoping someone has
seen this or knows why these messages are popping up.




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