[ewg] /etc/init.d/openib fails

Greg I Kerr kerr.g at husky.neu.edu
Fri Apr 1 08:46:06 PDT 2011

I opened this bug (
http://bugs.openfabrics.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2231) a while
back and it was never responded too. In addition, I'm still having the
problems on two fo my nodes.

The bug is as follows:

When I run /etc/init.d/openib, all of the drivers fail to load.

I recently installed OFED-1.5.1 using the install.pl script and installed all
the debuginfo packages (./install.pl --all). If it is at all related, the debug
symbols don't show up in gdb when stepping through the library (it simply says
"in src/verbs.c").

I've attached the ib_debug_info.log as the init script instructed.

You can see the log file here:


Greg Kerr

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