[openib-general] openIB gen2 user space verbs API

Roland Dreier roland at topspin.com
Thu Apr 14 19:55:40 PDT 2005

    Kevin> I was wonder where i could find information on the openIB
    Kevin> gen2 user space verbs API?  One of my key questions is how
    Kevin> much different then VAPI.  Is it a superset of VAPI and if
    Kevin> so what function was added?

Right now the best way to find out about the userspace verbs API is to
look at the libibverbs source.  The include file infiniband/verbs.h
and the code in the examples directory are probably the best places to
get started.

The current code implements all the main verbs likely to be used by
userspace applications.  There are no functions that I can think of
added beyond what's in VAPI.

 - R.

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