[openib-general] [kDAPL]How to register a vmalloc() allocated buffer

Ian Jiang ianjiang.ict at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 09:45:52 PST 2005

I am doing a simple rdma-read test using the kDAPL. My test is running in
the kernel model.
When I allocate both the data source and sink buffers using kmalloc() and
register the buffers using dat_lmr_kcreate() with memory type
DAT_MEM_TYPE_PHYSICAL, everything goes well. If the sink buffer is allocated
with vmalloc() and registered as before, no registering error or rdma read
DTO completion error occours but
My questions:
1) Could a buffer allocated with vmalloc() be used for a kDAPL rdma reading?
If so,
2) should a buffer of this kind be registered in the same as a buffer
allocated with kmalloc()?

Could anyone give some suggestion?
Thanks very much!
Ian Jiang
ianjiang.ict at gmail.com

Laboratory of Spatial Information Technology
Division of System Architecture
Institute of Computing Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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