[openib-general] Re: FW: summary of my understanding on our common work on openib.org

Grant Grundler iod00d at hp.com
Thu Feb 10 12:59:03 PST 2005

On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 12:39:41PM -0800, Johannes Erdfelt wrote:
> The kernel code should be lean and unless there is an immediate or short
> term use for a feature, it probably shouldn't be there. We should be
> asking "why keep it in the code?", not "why should we remove it from
> the code?"

enums and typedefs are a (weak) form of documentation.
If people don't know the feature exists they won't know to look for it
in better forms of documentation that are privately available.

I'm generalizing since I have NFC what this attribute does specifically.
If someone publicly can say "Don't use this because..." then that would
be a good reason to remove the declaration too.


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