[openib-general] Mailing

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Tue Feb 15 12:42:14 PST 2005

Woodruff, Robert J wrote:

>  Roland Wrote,
>>Is this really a big problem anyway?  If the list gets 40 mails a day
>>(which is a busy day) and it takes 15 seconds (which is generous) to
>>glance at a mail and decide if you're interested, you're only spending
>>10 minutes a day looking at mail.
> I agree with Roland, I think one list is fine.

I also agree that one list is fine.  But the cost of 40 interruptions a 
day is substantially more than 10 minutes of downtime.  As long as 
people are clear with their subject headings, it makes it easier to 
quickly identify which e-mail responses can be deferred.

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