FW: [openib-general] Minutes from DAPL BOF at OpenIB Workshop

Woodruff, Robert J robert.j.woodruff at intel.com
Wed Feb 16 15:34:24 PST 2005

>Kanevsky, Arkady wrote, 

>If Open IB wants to go with LGPL license it is fine with us.
>We will need to take a voit on DAT Collaborative onit also.
>But from what I see on reflector LGPL license is outside the current
>bylaws of
>Open IB and there is a discussion on it going on.

Good point.

>SO until this issue is resolved on Open IB we will add GPL license to
>uDAPL (and kDAPL)
>and will work on getting it ready for submission to Open IB.
>Once the license the GPL license is approved by DAT we can move the dev
>work on Open IB SF.
>If Arlin is available he can start the work now.
>Lets first identify what areas require changes. 

I think Arlin should be able to start pretty soon. He has a couple
of other things on his plate that he is finishing up, but should
be free'd up in a week or 2. In the mean time, he can start to take
a look at what needs to be done, etc. 

I would think that initially, the first changes are to develop a
provider that calls
the new gen2 verbs APIs rather than the gen1 APIs. This should be 
a pretty straight forward port of what currently exists in your
sourceforge project. 
There is also support for shared memory that is needed for Oracle, and I
not sure if that exists in any of the open source versions of DAPL.

Arlin, feel free to chime in if there is anything that I missed that
need to be done to make uDAPL run on openib.org.


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