[openib-general] Some Missing Features from mthca/user MAD ac cess

Hal Rosenstock halr at voltaire.com
Mon Jan 10 13:01:44 PST 2005

Hi Eitan,

On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 15:08, Eitan Zahavi wrote:
> I assume that one can register by supplying a mask. 

The mask is not for attributes but for methods. There is no
filtering/demultiplexing for attribute.

> However, from your response it seems like only one client is allowed
> to register as the receiver for incoming requests of specific
> attribute. Is this correct? 

There are different receive modes (the two main ones are via method mask
(per management class) and the other is solicited via transaction ID;
see ib_mad.h) but the bottom line is that other than snooping right now,
there is at most one client for an incoming MAD.

SMInfo can be handled in either mode but once a client registers using
the method mask (for SM classes (LR and/or DR) get and set methods), no
other client can although they can work via TID. I think there is
sufficient flexibility here to support what is needed.

In fact, there already is an sminfo utility which outside the SM "polls"
SMInfo on a node.

Usage: bin/sminfo [-d(ebug)] [-s state] [-p prio] [-a activity]
[-D(irect)] [-t timeout_ms] <sm lid|sm path>

-- Hal

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