[openib-general] Re: [KJ] [RFC] TODO file cleanups

Woodruff, Robert J robert.j.woodruff at intel.com
Fri Jan 21 09:07:59 PST 2005

Roland wrote>The code in the kernel has the same license headers as the
>tree: dual GPL/BSD.

 Here is the text I see in the headers:

"* This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
 * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
 * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
 * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
 * OpenIB.org BSD license below:"

This tells me that when the kernel.org people accepted the code into the

kernel, they needed to accept it under one of the two licenses, 
GPL or BSD. Or am I missing something here ?

I think they could have accepted it under BSD and then re-license it
the same dual license if they wanted, but I am not a lawyer. 


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