[openib-general] Re: osm log

Hal Rosenstock halr at voltaire.com
Thu Jan 27 10:42:21 PST 2005

On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 19:58, Hal Rosenstock wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 17:14, Tom Duffy wrote:
> > Solaris is at LID 2.
> Hmm. Solaris IB port is active yet I don't recall seeing it join any MC
> groups so we're back to square 1 in terms of what is going on. The
> broadcast group (and other groups) appear to be created. Perhaps this is
> an ordering thing where the Solaris machine is up before the Linux ones
> which would create the groups but I'm just guessing.

On further thought, this can't be an ordering (in the sense of which
machine is up in what order) problem and also I think OpenSM supports a
precreated broadcast group.

Does Solaris want something from the SM/SA after it registers for SA
events which determines whether it registers or not ?

I'm searching for what Solaris is expecting to see but is not getting as
I do not recall seeing any of the registrations from the Solaris machine
in the OSM log. I do see a SA GetTable PathRecord from this node and a
"truncated" response (artifically made to fit into a single MAD. That
could be the source of the issue.

Could you revert back to a simple topology (back to back HCAs) with
Solaris on one side and Linux OpenIB on the other ? Once we can get this
to work, we can move onto more complex topologies. Thanks.

-- Hal

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