[openib-general] RE: [Fwd: [openib-commits] r2826 - in gen2/utils/src/linux-user/I BMgtSim: . config src tests utils]

Eitan Zahavi eitan at mellanox.co.il
Thu Jul 14 04:19:58 PDT 2005

Hi Hal,

I did not reproduce the problem ever.
But I did many changes too.

Eitan Zahavi
Design Technology Director
Mellanox Technologies LTD
P.O. Box 586 Yokneam 20692 ISRAEL

-----Original Message-----
From: Hal Rosenstock [mailto:halr at voltaire.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:13 PM
To: Eitan Zahavi
Cc: openib-general at openib.org
Subject: RE: [Fwd: [openib-commits] r2826 - in
gen2/utils/src/linux-user/I BMgtSim: . config src tests utils]

On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 03:25, Eitan Zahavi wrote:
> Hi Hal,
> I was able to figure out the gcc version you use is available under
> RH9.0.
> I compiled the code successfully under that machine .

Are you sure it's the same version ?

> I wonder if the issue is due to complib (which is part of the OpenSM
> code).
> I will start building OpenIB stack shortly and will let you know.
> Meanwhile I attached the log file of build I have done
> Please try a fresh checkout too.

Did something change that would fix this ? I did this again and still
get the same error:

g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/local/include
-I/home/hal/openib/trunk/src/userspace/management/osm/include -I/usr/include
-I../datamodel   -O6 -Wall -Werror  -c -o sim.o `test -f 'sim.cpp' || echo
sim.cpp:342: parse error at end of input

-- Hal
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