[openib-general] RE: [dat-discussions] round 2 - proposal for socket based connection model

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Tue Oct 25 10:07:44 PDT 2005

Kanevsky, Arkady wrote:
> Correct.
> But this does bring the question how responder CM knows that it need to
> parse
> the private data. I suspect this will be done via new version of CM.
> But a suage of some of the CM REQ reserved fields are also possible.
> Anotherwords the current CM version assumes that CM only supports
> one version and there is no need to support more than 1 version.

The responder knows how to parse the private data based on the service ID that 
they're listening on.  This is how it's done today, and how it will still need 
to be done.  What is the motivation to change it?

What data is beyond the addressing?  How does the responder know how to 
interpret that?

- Sean

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