[openib-general] [PATCH] Opensm - ignore strict-aliasing warning

Yael Kalka yael at mellanox.co.il
Wed Sep 21 23:05:13 PDT 2005

Hi Hal,

I saw that you didn't add this patch yet.
Using the -fno-strict-aliasing falg avoids the compiler from doing some optimizations that might cause the strict aliasing
bugs. So this is a fix, and not a workaround to remove the warnings.
I agree that it is not the best fix. It is better to fix the code in such a way that will enable these optimizations too.
I can look into it and have a better fix, but it will take some time.
Until then, this fix should be added, since currently we can produce code that might have these problems in it.
Here is the patch again (in case you lost it along the mails....)


Signed-off-by:  Yael Kalka <yael at mellanox.co.il>

Index: opensm/Makefile.am
--- opensm/Makefile.am  (revision 3487)
+++ opensm/Makefile.am  (working copy)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ opensm_SOURCES = main.c osm_db_files.c o
                 osm_ucast_mgr.c osm_ucast_updn.c \
                 osm_vl15intf.c osm_vl_arb_rcv.c\
                 osm_vl_arb_rcv_ctrl.c st.c
 # for linking with the simulator client library we have to use g++:

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