[openib-general] NFS performance and general disk network export advice (Linux-Windows)

Paul Baxter paul.baxter at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Feb 9 12:17:36 PST 2006

I'm looking to export a filesystem from each of four linux 64bit boxes to a 
single Windows server 2003 64bit Ed.

Has anyone achieved this already using an IB transport? Can I use NFS over 
IPoIB cross platform? i.e. do both ends support a solution?

Is NFS over RDMA compatible with Windows (pretty sure the answer is no to 
this one but love to be proven wrong). I've attached Tom's announcement of 
the latest to the bottom of this email. I don't think Windows has the RDMA 
abstraction (yet)?

Are windows IB drivers (Openib or Mellanox) compatible with these options? 
Do I layer Windows services for Unix on top of the Windows IB drivers and 
IPoIB to achieve a cross platform NFS?

Has anyone done much in the way of NFS performance comparisons of NFS over 
IPoIB in cross-platform situations vs say Gigabit ethernet. Does it work :) 
What is large file throughput and processor loading - I'm aiming for 150-200 
MB/s on large files on 4x SDR IB (possibly DDR if we can fit the bigger 144 
port switch chassis into our rack layout for 50-ish nodes).

Are there any alternatives to using NFS that may be better and that would 
'transparently' receive a performance boost with IB compared with using a 
simple NFS/gigabit ethernet solution. Must be fairly straightforward, 
ideally application neutral (configure a drive and load/unload script for 
Linux and it just happens) and compatible between Win2003 and Linux? 
Alternatives using perhaps Samba on the Linux side?

My lack of knowledge of IB in the windows world has got me concerned over 
whether this is actually achievable (easily).

I hope to be trying this once we get a Windows 2003 machine, but hope 
someone can encourage me that its a breeze prior to my coming unstuck in a 
month or so!

Some detail about the bit I do understand:

I will be using a patched Linux kernel (realtime preemption patches ) but 
prefer not to apply/track too many kernel patches as the kernel evolves. The 
NFS patches suggested by Tom in his announcement below make me a little 

The application will alternate between a real-time mode with (probably) no 
NFS (or similar network exporting of the disk) and an archiving mode where 
Linux will load relevant network filesystem modules and let the windows 
machine read the disks.

The reason for this odd load/unload behaviour is because our current 
experience with NFS has been that the driver is prone to putting 
multi-millisecond glitches that have a habit of upsetting (soft) real-time 
behaviour at the sorts of timing latencies we're looking at (milliseond or 
two). NFS (and network cards) do like to batch up work and then run these 
from interrupt contexts. SoftIRQs help tremendously but don't seem to be the 
complete answer.

Paul Baxter

Tom's announcement:
> We have released an updated NFS/RDMA client for Linux at
> the project's Sourceforge site:
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/nfs-rdma/>
> <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=97628&package_id=178973>
> This release updates the RPC/RDMA support as follows:
> Linux supported
> Integrates with RPC via 2.6.15 transport switch
> Employs OpenIB RDMA verbs API (not kDAPL)
> Dual BSD/GPL2 licensing
> There are no protocol changes in this release, it is identical to
> the previous release (and the IETF draft) in this respect. The
> client has been tested with NFSv3 and passes the Connectathon
> test suite.
> At present, the client requires some additional transport switch
> patches to be applied to the Linux kernel, these are available at
> Chuck Lever's patches page:
> <http://troy.citi.umich.edu/~cel/linux-2.6/2.6.15/release-notes.html>
> The related CITI NFS/RDMA server project is currently available
> for 2.6.14 from:
> <http://www.citi.umich.edu/projects/rdma/>
> <http://www.citi.umich.edu/projects/rdma/patches/stage2/>
> This server is functional but only supports small RDMA inline data
> transfers, and a single request in flight. So, its performance is quite
> far from the potential. However, it is functional and is the server
> we pass Connectathon with!
> The server project is now being developed by Open Grid Computing,
> moving to the OpenIB common RDMA verbs API. We'll be making
> updates to both client and server as they become available. There's
> a lot more to do.
> We look forward to comments and feedback from the various standards
> and open source communities on this. Feel free to use the mailing list
> on the sourceforge project site, or any of these lists (which we usually
> monitor) but cc at least me and James Lentini (jlentini at netapp.com).
> Thanks,
> Tom Talpey, for the various NFS/RDMA projects.

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