[openib-general] Re: [PATCH 4/4] opensm: no need to wait for pkey_mgr

Sasha Khapyorsky sashak at voltaire.com
Wed May 3 17:51:33 PDT 2006

Hello Eitan,

On 11:55 Tue 02 May     , Eitan Zahavi wrote:
> This patch breaks the basic concept for OpenSM to report "SUBNET UP"
> only if all SubnMgt.Set were sent successfully. I do not think we want
> to remove this feature.

This patch does not break the basic concept (or just in case if there
are bugs). Instead, pkey updater after sending all set requests will let
for the next OpenSM resweep component to run (specifically it is LID
assignment manager). Then final WAIT state will "collect" responses from
both components.

I think my subject was unclear, and better name would be "parallel pkey
and lid managers execution" or like this.

Of course such "parallelism" is possible only with "independent"
components (may be more than two BTW), where functionality of one
component does not depend on results of other component's work.

So actual question with this patch is could "pkey manager" and "lid
assignment" run in parallel?


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