[ofa-general] Re: Trouble installing OFED1.2 with kernel

Jeffrey Wong jwong at datallegro.com
Mon Apr 30 12:28:10 PDT 2007

I guess I can change the /root/OFED-1.2-rc1/ofed.conf file from

Ib_ipath=y to ib_path=n


Is this correct?




> Quoting Jeffrey Wong <jwong at datallegro.com
<http://lists.openfabrics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/general> >:
> Subject: Re: Trouble installing OFED1.2 with kernel
> Don't I need ipath in order to create the ibverbs library?
No, this is a kernel driver for ipath hardware, ibverbs
is a hardware agnositic userspace library.
> If I don't then how do I turn off ipath?
> If I do need ipath for the ibverbs library, then how do I get around
> problem.
> When I do the install I am selecting 2 to Install OFED Software and 1
for Basic
> OFED modules and basic user level libraries.
Donnu, there should be something in the menu to customise it further.


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