[ofa-general] Question: Verbs API Error code recover

Dotan Barak dotanb at dev.mellanox.co.il
Tue Dec 4 09:08:34 PST 2007

Wei Fang wrote:
> Hi, Dotan:
> When I got that error, I quit my program and use ib_rmda_bw prorgam to 
> test Infiniband link. It still fails like this:
> ib_rdma_bw
> 19068: | port=18515 | ib_port=1 | size=65536 | tx_depth=100 | 
> iters=1000 | duplex=0 | cma=0 |
> 19068: Local address:  LID 0x01, QPN 0x2e0404, PSN 0xc39344 RKey 
> 0x4c003101 VAddr 0x00002a958bc000
> 19068: Remote address: LID 0x3d9, QPN 0x140404, PSN 0x77012a, RKey 
> 0x74003100 VAddr 0x00002a958bc000
> 19068:main: Completion with error at client:
> 19068:main: Failed status 12: wr_id 3
> 19068:main: scnt=100, ccnt=0
This means that the remote QP didn't response (or didn't send the 
respond in time).
can you try to execute ibv_rc_pingpong between the sides and check what 
is the status?
what is the output of ibv_devinfo in both sides?
(maybe something bad happened to the link)


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