[ofa-general] [PATCH] opensm/config/osmvsel.m4: update LDADD variable, not LDFLAGS

Sasha Khapyorsky sashak at voltaire.com
Wed Dec 12 14:15:02 PST 2007

Then OSMV_LDADD is selected it should update LDADD variable and not
LDFLAGS - many Makefiles in OpenSM uses prog_LDADD for its own
definitions addition and since LDFLAGS are going before any LDADD in a
linker command such customizations could be skiped.

Signed-off-by: Sasha Khapyorsky <sashak at voltaire.com>
 opensm/config/osmvsel.m4 |    4 +---
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/opensm/config/osmvsel.m4 b/opensm/config/osmvsel.m4
index aa20c2f..2350b32 100644
--- a/opensm/config/osmvsel.m4
+++ b/opensm/config/osmvsel.m4
@@ -139,11 +139,9 @@ if test "$disable_libcheck" != "yes"; then
  dnl based on the with_osmv we can try the vendor flag
  if test $with_osmv = "openib"; then
-   osmv_save_ldflags=$LDFLAGS
    AC_CHECK_LIB(ibumad, umad_init, [],
 	 AC_MSG_ERROR([umad_init() not found. libosmvendor of type openib requires libibumad.]))
-   LD_FLAGS=$osmv_save_ldflags
  elif test $with_osmv = "sim" ; then
    LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$with_sim/lib"
    AC_CHECK_FILE([$with_sim/lib/libibmscli.a], [], 

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