[openib-general] [PATCH] osm: Flushing log file after OSM_SYS_LOG message

Yevgeny Kliteynik kliteyn at dev.mellanox.co.il
Sun Feb 25 06:23:30 PST 2007

Hi Hal,

OSM log should be flushed when OSM_SYS_LOG message is
printed. We had this once, but somehow it has disappeared.

This fix has to go both to trunk and to 1.2.



Signed-off-by: Yevgeny Kliteynik <kliteyn at dev.mellanox.co.il>
 osm/opensm/osm_log.c |    3 ++-
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/osm/opensm/osm_log.c b/osm/opensm/osm_log.c
index d76031d..f95ed85 100644
--- a/osm/opensm/osm_log.c
+++ b/osm/opensm/osm_log.c
@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ osm_log(
     /*  flush log */
-    if (ret > 0 && (p_log->flush || (verbosity & OSM_LOG_ERROR)) &&
+    if ( ret > 0 && 
+        (p_log->flush || (verbosity & OSM_LOG_ERROR) || (verbosity & OSM_LOG_SYS)) &&
         fflush( p_log->out_port ) < 0)
       ret = -1;

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