[ofa-general] OFED 1.x (Gen 2) based SRP target code released!

Sujal Das Sujal at Mellanox.com
Fri Mar 2 09:26:04 PST 2007

Hello all,


Mellanox is pleased to release the OFED 1.x (Gen 2) - based SRP Target
source code to the OpenFabrics community, OEMs and end users.  


This release is an upgrade to the previously released SRP Target source
code that was based on the Mellanox IBGold driver and Gen 1 software
interface.  The code has been tested to work with Mellanox InfiniBand
adapters and is available under Open Fabrics open source license terms.


The attached readme document has further details on the release.


With the release of this version of this SRP Target software, OEMs and
end users can enjoy the following advantages:

*         Base their initiator and target development efforts on the
same OFED source/API base

*         Enjoy the generic benefits of the improved OGA Gen 2

*         Deploy multiple storage target solutions on the same box -
e.g., SRP Target, iSER Target, NFS-RDMA server


Best regards,


Sujal Das

Mellanox Technologies

2900 Stender Way, Santa Clara, CA 95054

408 916 0007 (Work)

408 970 3403 (Fax)


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