[ofa-general] OFED 1.2 RC3 is delayed for Monday next week (May 7)

Steve Wise swise at opengridcomputing.com
Thu May 3 14:14:28 PDT 2007

We also need 599 (rping regression; i just opened this) included in
-rc3.  I've submitted the patch and I believe sean has it ready to go.


On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 14:07 -0700, Tziporet Koren wrote:
> Hi All,
> Since some of the critical bugs are not solved yet we decided to delay
> the release to Monday May 7.
> This is the list of critical bugs that should be fixed for RC3:
> bug_id
> bug_severity
> assigned_to
> short_short_desc
> 574
> blocker
> raisch at de.ibm.com
> ehca driver fails
> while running
> openmpi
> 420
> critical
> monil at voltaire.com
> PKey table
> reordering caused
> by SM failover
> stops ipoib
> traffic
> 577
> critical
> rolandd at cisco.com
> SRP multipath
> failover too slow
> (minutes, not
> seconds)
> 465
> critical
> mst at mellanox.co.il
> IPoIB HA fails
> after several
> hours of
> failovers
> 549
> critical
> amip at dev.mellanox.co.il
> SDP Policy need
> to be consistent
> 597
> critical
> vlad at mellanox.co.il
> support RHEL4U5
> in OFED 1.2
> 499
> major
> vlad at mellanox.co.il
> module compiled
> over ofed won't
> load due to
> symbol version
> mismatch
> 519
> major
> pasha at mellanox.co.il
> 534
> major
> vlad at mellanox.co.il
> SLES9 - Installer
> fails on
> declarations -
> OFED 1.2-20070409
> 530
> major
> dannyz at mellanox.co.il
> ibdiagnet -r
> fails on RHEL5
> i686
> 538
> major
> monis at voltaire.com
> integrate IPoIB
> bonding with
> 541
> major
> mst at mellanox.co.il
> slow failover
> with IPoIB CM
> bonding/ipoibtools HA
> 558
> major
> rolandd at cisco.com
> tvflash configure
> fails on SLES10
> SP1 RC2
> All owners of blocker and critical bugs - please reply with status of
> the bug resolution
> Thanks,
> Tziporet
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