[ofa-general] RE: Problem with using two interfaces with rdma-cm

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed May 23 10:37:53 PDT 2007

>Rail 1 (ib0): 192.168.1.*
>Rail 2 (ib2): 192.168.3.*
>When I try to connect two qps over these rails (one on each), many times
>the address resolutions for both the qps return me the context of just
>one of the rails. i.e. I am not able to use both the rails.
>Is there any thing I am missing here?

Can you provide more details on how you are establishing your connections?

Are you calling rdma_resolve_addr() with 192.168.1.x in one case, and
192.168.3.x in the second case, and both of those resolve back to the same local
IP address?  Can you tell if ping routes the same way?

You can try binding to a specific local address, but based on your setup, I
would expect this to work.  So, I'd like to understand better what the issue
could be.

- Sean

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