[ofa-general] librdmacm use problem -- multi qps per cq or a qp per cq?

yangdong yangdong at ncic.ac.cn
Fri Nov 2 10:26:02 PDT 2007

 I want to use mutli qps referred to a cq, but in librdmacm.
First, i create a cm-event-channel using rdma_create_event_channel,
which is referred to a context. Then i create a pd, which is also
referred to the same context, then i create comp-channel and cq using
ibv_create_comp_channel and ibv_create_cq.
i create a cm_id for every connection, which as the first param for
rdma_create_qp. i create qp per connection using rdma_create_qp, int
rdma_create_qp(struct rdma_cm_id *id, struct ibv_pd *pd, struct
ibv_qp_init_attr *qp_init_attr). But i cannot identify the param pd,
when i put the context-pd here, i would get error-can't create qp,
because rdma_create_qp need to check the cm_id->pd and context-pd, they
are different, when i create a new pd for qp, i can create qp, but can't
transefer data through qp.
Alternative, i can create a qp using ibv_create_qp and do sth., but i
can't know how to contact qp with cm_id which has created? And i can't
use mechanism provided by librdmacm?

Anyone can tell me what to do? thanks.

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