[ofa-general] RE: [PATCH] librdmacm/man: fix-up man pages

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed Nov 28 12:08:43 PST 2007

>Some users have approached me and said that its unclear from the man
>pages for some values of the connection param structure what are their
>legal values. Reviewing this a little, I think we should add the
>maximum values for the retry_count and rnr_retry_count under the
>infiniband specific section of the rdma_connect and rdma_accept pages.

I can do this.

>Also, what about pushing all these documentation changes as a release
>to OFED 1.3?

I'm holding off on a release until I'm fairly sure that all of the documentation
changes are in.  I don't foresee a problem getting documentation only changes
into OFED 1.3 though.

- Sean

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