[ofa-general] OFED October 8 meeting summary on OFED 1.3 alpha readiness

Tziporet Koren tziporet at dev.mellanox.co.il
Mon Oct 8 13:04:06 PDT 2007

OFED October 8 meeting summary on OFED 1.3 alpha readiness

Meeting summary:
1. Alpha release is planed for this week (Wed or Thursday)

        * Vlad is working to integrate all new patches/changes that were
          posted in the last week
        * The alpha release will not fully support ppc64 (some user
          level apps will not be available)
        * Need to make sure we take the correct uCMA library from Sean's
          git tree

2. Requests for the beta release:

    * Two uDAPL libraries - 1.2 and 2.0
    * A different RPM package for iSCSI (should be provided by Voltaire
      - Erez)
    * Add qperf test - Johann will work with Vlad to add it
    * RHEL 5.1 - Woody will try to generate the backport patches
    * Add the patches that fix compilation warnings - to be done
      immediately after the alpha release
    * SPEC files should be owned by each maintainer package

3. We discussed some ideas for talks in the developer's summit. The 
following ideas were raised: sa caching (Intel), QoS support (Sean), 
Extended RC (MPI team)

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