[ofa-general] perfquery looking at the wrong bits

Max Matveev makc at sgi.com
Fri Oct 12 03:11:14 PDT 2007

In OFED 1.2 perfquery attempts to check if a port supports extended

        } else {
          /* Should ClassPortInfo be implemented in libibmad ? */
             pc2 = (uint16_t *)&pc[2];           /* CapabilityMask */
             cap_mask = *pc2;
             if (!(cap_mask & 0x100)) /* 1.2 errata: bit 9 is extended counter support */
                 IBWARN("PerfMgt ClassPortInfo 0x%x extended counters not indicated\n", cap_mask);

It seems to be what there are at least 2 problems here:

1. bit 9, if we're counting from 0, will have mask of 0x200,
   not 0x100. mask of 0x100 will be for counter aggregation according
   to IBA 1.2.

2. If capmask is 16 bit big-endian word, then we're looking
   at the wrong byte on x86, we must ntohs(*pc2) first.


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