[ofa-general] librdmacm feature request

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Mon Oct 15 12:36:31 PDT 2007

> 3)  The man pages on rdma_connect() and rdma_accept() aren't really
> clear on the role of the connection parameters struct that gets passed
> in.  Specifically, it doesn't say whether or not the initiator_depth and
> responder_resources in the parm struct present in the listen event are
> what the other side set, or if they are already swapped to indicate the
> minimum/maximum that we can set on our side of the connection.  Also,

I've added documentation regarding initiator_depth and 
responder_resources, plus fully defined the data carried in rdma_cm_event.

> the initial message pointer is not detailed.  When we call
> rdma_accept/rdma_reject, does our parm struct need to have that same
> pointer?  Do we need to free that mem?  Can we supply a new initial
> message and not leak the memory associated with the incoming initial
> message?

Can you clarify what message you're referring to?  My assumption is 
rdma_cm_event, but I want to make sure.

I should have the documentation updates available for review later today 
or tomorrow.

- Sean

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