[ofa-general] ***SPAM*** what are inmpications of opensmd going down

Hal Rosenstock hal.rosenstock at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 08:06:39 PDT 2008


On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 9:58 AM,  <kovlensky at interia.pl> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I\'m trying to find any informations on opensmd disappearing from the network.

In general, SM should always be present.

> Let\'s assume we\'ve got fully running and operational network, with lids assigned. My undestanding is that opensmd does nothing then and hca\'s with lids assigned can happily survive without it?

Yes and no. SA requests (like path requests and multicast) and subnet
changes will not be serviced during that time.

> In other words - having opensmd going down will stop new nodes from joining the network (ports will stay in init state), but will not disrupt the ones which were up?


> Also opensmd, when configured to not reassign lids, will not break it when going back up, as it will preserve current setup. Right?

Yes, as long as no new nodes are present which cause a lid conflict
(e.g. subnet merge when SM was offline).

> Conclusion - taking opensmd down and up should not influence ib network in any way with exception of new hca\'s appearing.

Also switches or links which fail when SM is offline.

-- Hal

> All above comes from my logic and, as I cannot find any data to confirm that, could anybody confirm that or point at any error there? I\'m considering migrating to opensm and this information is vital to me.
> Thanks in advance,
> Retek Kovlensky
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