[ofa-general] Re: [ewg] STOP the onslaught of EWG spam - disallowing non member posts

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Tue Aug 19 09:28:18 PDT 2008

FWIW: I think we all know each other's positions on open vs. closed  
lists.  :-)

I only did what I did this weekend to stop the inbox tragedy.  I leave  
future actions (such as re-enabling anonymous posting) up to Jeff  
Becker, the real sysadmin.

I'd personally be in favor of removing *all* aliases for openib.org.

On Aug 19, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Roland Dreier wrote:

>> Disallowing non members posts to the general list is problematic,
>> since as of the below MAINTAINERS entry this is where people from the
>> kernel community post issues they have with the RDMA stack, and you
>> don't expect everyone to subscribe the list...
> I agree... closed mailing lists are a pain for lists like general@  
> where
> we want to encourage people, even non-subscribers, to drop by and  
> report
> bugs, and forcing them to subscribe raises an unnecessary barrier.
> It's probably acceptable to leave ewg closed, since the discussion on
> that list generally involves only subscribers.
> In any case it would be interesting to understand exactly why ewg
> started getting such a huge flood of traffic anyway.  It seemed that  
> the
> majority of mails were not actually spam but rather backscatter bounce
> messages caused by spam with a forged from address of ewg at openib.org.
> It seems disabling the ewg at openib.org address would fix things for  
> now,
> and if there were some way to stop mailman from forwarding bounce
> messages, that would deal with the backscatter issue more permanently.
> - R.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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