[ofa-general] New version of mpi-selector

Vladimir Sokolovsky vlad at mellanox.co.il
Tue Aug 26 00:42:01 PDT 2008

Jeff Squyres wrote:
> Vlad --
> Michele Martone reported a minor typo to me in mpi-selector which I have 
> just fixed.  I have created an ofed_1_4 git branch in 
> http://www.openfabrics.org/git/?p=~jsquyres/mpi-selector.git;a=summary, 
> and I have uploaded a v1.0.2 mpi-selector tarball to 
> ~jsquyres/mpi-selector-1.0.2.tar.[gz|bz2].
> Can these be added to the OFED 1.4 release?  (pulling from git or using 
> the tarball is fine -- whatever is most convenient)
> Thanks.



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