[ofa-general] [PATCH] OpenIBd: Try to open a kernel specific config file before the default one

Nicolas Morey Chaisemartin nicolas.morey-chaisemartin at ext.bull.net
Wed Dec 3 01:43:19 PST 2008

This patch is part of our packaging policy.
As we have usually two kernel installed on a single server, we need to 
install two instances of the ofa_kernel.
The install used to be quite a mess as the second installation (install 
on the second kernel) conflict with the first one on the configuration 
files, and the differents scripts.

Therefore, we split the ofa_kernel into 2 packages in the spec file (a 
bit like redhat) with ofa_kernel containing the modules and 
ofa_kernel_scripts containing the udev files, configurating the 
modprobe.conf and so on...

A problem remained with the /etc/infiniband/openib.conf as it is 
dependant from the ofa_kernel installed (which modules it was compiled 
with) but couldn't be directly put in the same package as it would 
conflict when doing an install from another kernel.
Thus, we have made this match so openib tries first to load 
/etc/infiniband/openib_`uname -r`.conf and fallback to the regular 
/etc/infiniband/openib.conf if the previous one doesn't exists.

Therefore, by modifying the spec file, we are able to install the 
openibd config file as part of the ofa_kernel (and not 
ofa_kernel_scripts) without any conflicts, and keeping openibd 
compatible with regular ofa_kernel packaging.

This is definitely a patch made for our needs, but the base idea to 
split the kernel module and the scripts is quite good, so I'm sharing it !


Signed-off-by: Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin 
<nicolas.morey-chaisemartin at ext.bull.net>
  ofed_scripts/openibd |   13 +++++++++----
  1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
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