[ofa-general] unsing ibverbs 1.0 with rdmacm

Thomas Eggestad thomas.eggestad at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 09:02:17 PDT 2008


I apologize if this is the wrong list to ask my question. If it is wrong
please point me to where I should look.

I am in the process of implementing support for the rdmacm.
For backwards compatibility and code reuse I want to continue
to use the ibverbs 1.0 abi for the communication.

In pseudo code I do:

   dl__create_event_channel = dlvsym((handle1),
"create_event_channel" , "RDMACM_1.0");
   dl_rdma_create_id = dlvsym((handle1), "rdma_create_id" , "RDMACM_1.0");
   dl_rdma_bind_addr = dlvsym((handle1), "rdma_bind_addr" , "RDMACM_1.0");
   dl_rdma_resolve_route = dlvsym((handle1), "rdma_resolve_route" ,

   dl_ibv_alloc_pd = dlvsym((handle2), "ibv_alloc_pd", "IBVERBS_1.0")

   cm_event_channel = rdma_create_event_channel()
   dl_rdma_create_id( cm_event_channel,  &cm_id, foo, RDMA_PS_TCP);
   dl_rdma_bind_addr (cm_id, (struct sockaddr*) &sin);
   dl_rdma_resolve_route(cm_id, 2000);

   pd = dl_ibv_alloc_pd(cm_id->verbs);

The program get a sigsegv in:

0  __ibv_alloc_pd (context=0x2aaaabb5de40) at src/verbs.c:143
1  0x0000003f7f405ff1 in __ibv_alloc_pd_1_0 (context=0x1e7504e0)

Is this supported?
If yes, do anybody know of a test program that do this and can
point me to it?

I have a strong feeling that there is something I have not understood.

The system is:
    rhel5 x86_64
    offed 1.3.1

If you believe you need more info please tell me and I will provide it.
If this is a case of read the manual please could you give me a link.


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