[ofa-general] Agenda for OFED meeting today (March 24)

Tziporet Koren tziporet at mellanox.co.il
Mon Mar 24 08:42:54 PDT 2008

Agenda for OFED meeting today about OFED 1.4 plans:

1. Kernel base: since we target our release to Sep it seems the right
kernel base will be 2.6.27 (and not 26 as I suggested before)
2. Suggestions for new features:
*	Verbs: Reliable Multicast
*	SDP - Zero copy
*	IPoIB - continue with performance enhancements
*	Xsigo new virtual NIC (Hal correct me if I am wrong here)
*	New vendor HW support - ?
*	OpenSM: 
*	Incremental routing 
*	Temporary SA DB - to answer queries and a heavy sweep is done
*	APM - disjoint paths (?)
*	MKey manager (?)
*	MPI:
*	Open MPI 1.3
*	APM support in MPI
*	mvapich ???

Please send more suggestions or raise them in the meeting today

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