[Fwd: Re: [ofa-general] [NFS/RDMA] Can't mount NFS/RDMA partition]]

Vu Pham vuhuong at mellanox.com
Mon Apr 27 10:30:32 PDT 2009

Tom Talpey wrote:
> At 06:56 AM 4/27/2009, Celine Bourde wrote:
>> Thanks for the explanation.
>> Let me know if you have additional information.
>> We have a contact at Mellanox. I will contact him.
>> Thanks,
>> CĂ©line.
>> Vu Pham wrote:
>>> Celine,
>>> I'm seeing mlx4 in the log so it is connectX.
>>> nfsrdma does not work with any official connectX' fw release 2.6.0 
>>> because of fast registering work request problems between nfsrdma and 
>>> the firmware.
> There is a very simple workaround if you don't have the latest mlx4 firmware.
> Just set the client to use the all-physical memory registration mode. This will
> avoid making unsupported reregistration requests, which the firmware advertised.
> Before mounting, enter (as root)
> 	sysctl -w sunrpc.rdma_memreg_strategy = 6
> The client should work properly after this.
> If you do have access to the fixed firmware, I recommend using the default
> setting (5) as it provides greater safety on the client.
> Tom.

This work around only work for client side. On the server side we don't 
have option to switch the memory option


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