[ofa-general] [PATCH] opensm/osm_ucast_ftree.c: Enhanced Fat-Tree algorithm

Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin devel-ofed at morey-chaisemartin.com
Sat Jun 13 04:51:32 PDT 2009

This patch introduce many updates in the Fat-tree discussed here:

Major changes are:
	- Ensure minimum hop path is used
	- Balance secondary routes (necessary as a secondary route may become primary if shorter)
	- Optimizing balancing (quality and computation time)

Squashed commits:
	Added balanced minhop within Fat-Tree
	Added qsort for choosing secondary routes order instead of simple index
	Enhanced qsort compareason function so it looks at the next switch level
	Enhanced qsort performances for 2nd level access
	Removed copy of port group arrays to save some time
	Replaced qsort by bubble sort
	Inlining compare and sort functions
	Updated bubble sort to allow inline compareason functions
	Enhanced sorting and reduced necessary compareasons
	Fixed increment to earn one useless loop when we are on the main path

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <nicolas.morey-chaisemartin at ext.bull.net>
 opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_ftree.c |  413 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_ftree.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_ftree.c
index 8ed2f74..0c89892 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_ftree.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_ftree.c
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ typedef enum {
  **  Forward references
 struct ftree_sw_t_;
 struct ftree_hca_t_;
 struct ftree_port_t_;
@@ -153,6 +152,7 @@ typedef struct ftree_port_group_t_ {
 	boolean_t is_cn;	/* whether this port is a compute node */
 	boolean_t is_io;	/* whether this port is an I/O node */
 	uint32_t counter_down;	/* number of allocated routs downwards */
+	uint32_t counter_up;	/* number of allocated routs downwards */
 } ftree_port_group_t;
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ typedef struct ftree_sw_t_ {
 	boolean_t is_leaf;
 	unsigned down_port_groups_idx;
 	uint8_t *hops;
+	uint32_t min_counter_down;
+	boolean_t counter_up_changed;
 } ftree_sw_t;
@@ -1886,6 +1888,162 @@ static void set_sw_fwd_table(IN cl_map_item_t * const p_map_item,
+ * Function: Finds the least loaded port group and stores its counter
+ * Given   : A switch
+ */
+static inline void
+recalculate_min_counter_down(ftree_sw_t *p_sw){
+	uint32_t min= (1<<30);
+	uint32_t i;
+	for(i=0;i < p_sw->down_port_groups_num; i++) {
+		if(p_sw->down_port_groups[i]->counter_down < min){
+			min = p_sw->down_port_groups[i]->counter_down;
+		}
+	}
+	p_sw->min_counter_down = min;
+	return;
+ * Function: Return the counter value of the least loaded down port group
+ * Given   : A switch
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+find_lowest_loaded_group_on_sw(ftree_sw_t *p_sw){
+	return p_sw->min_counter_down;
+ * Function: Compare the load of two port groups and return which is the least loaded
+ * Given   : Two port groups with remote switch
+ * When both port groups are equally loaded, it picks the one whom
+ * remote switch down ports are least loaded.
+ * This way, it prefers the switch from where it will be easier to go down (creating upward routes).
+ * If both are equal, it picks the bigger GUID to be deterministic.
+ */
+static inline int
+port_group_compare_load_down(const ftree_port_group_t *p1,const ftree_port_group_t *p2){
+	int temp = p1->counter_down -p2->counter_down ;
+	if(temp > 0)
+		return 1;
+	if(temp < 0)
+		return -1;
+	/* Find the less loaded remote sw and choose this one */
+	do{
+		uint32_t load1= find_lowest_loaded_group_on_sw(p1->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw);
+		uint32_t load2= find_lowest_loaded_group_on_sw(p2->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw);
+		temp = load1-load2;
+		if(temp > 0)
+			return 1;
+	}while(0);
+       /* If they are both equal, choose the biggest GUID */
+       if(p1->remote_port_guid > p2->remote_port_guid)
+               return 1;
+       return -1;
+ * Function: Sorts an array of port group by up load order
+ * Given   : A port group array and its length
+ * As the list is mostly sorted, we used a bubble sort instead of qsort
+ * as it is much faster.
+ *
+ * Important note:
+ * This function and __osm_ftree_bubble_sort_down must NOT be factorized.
+ * Although most of the code is the same and a function pointer could be used
+ * for the compareason function, it would prevent the compareason function to be inlined
+ * and cost a great deal to performances.
+ */
+static inline void
+bubble_sort_up(ftree_port_group_t **p_group_array, uint32_t nmemb)
+        uint32_t i   = 0;
+        uint32_t j   = 0;
+        ftree_port_group_t *tmp = p_group_array[0];
+	/* As this function is a great number of times, we only go into the loop
+	 * if one of the port counters has changed, thus saving some tests */
+	if(tmp->hca_or_sw.p_sw->counter_up_changed == FALSE){
+		return;
+	}
+	/* While we did modifications on the array order*/
+	/* i may grew above array length but next loop will fail and tmp will be null for the next time
+	 * this way we save a test i < nmemb for each pass through the loop */
+        for(i = 0 ; tmp ; i++)
+        {
+		/* Assume the array is orderd */
+                tmp = NULL;
+                /* Comparing elements j and j-1 */
+                for(j = 1 ; j < (nmemb - i) ; j++)
+                {
+			/* If they are the wrong way around */
+                        if( p_group_array[j]->counter_up < p_group_array[j-1]->counter_up)
+                        {
+				/* We invert them */
+                                tmp = p_group_array[j-1];
+                                p_group_array[j-1] = p_group_array[j];
+				p_group_array[j] = tmp;
+				/* This sets tmp != NULL so the main loop will make another pass */
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+	/* We have reordered the array so as long noone changes the counter
+	 * it's not necessary to do it again */
+	 p_group_array[0]->hca_or_sw.p_sw->counter_up_changed = FALSE;
+ * Function: Sorts an array of port group. Order is decide through
+ * __osm_ftree_port_group_compare_load_down ( up counters, least load remote switch, biggest GUID)
+ * Given   : A port group array and its length. Each port group points to a remote switch (not a HCA)
+ * As the list is mostly sorted, we used a bubble sort instead of qsort
+ * as it is much faster.
+ *
+ * Important note:
+ * This function and __osm_ftree_bubble_sort_up must NOT be factorized.
+ * Although most of the code is the same and a function pointer could be used
+ * for the compareason function, it would prevent the compareason function to be inlined
+ * and cost a great deal to performances.
+ */
+static inline void
+bubble_sort_down(ftree_port_group_t **p_group_array, uint32_t nmemb)
+        uint32_t i   = 0;
+        uint32_t j   = 0;
+        ftree_port_group_t *tmp = p_group_array[0];
+        /* While we did modifications on the array order*/
+        /* i may grew above array length but next loop will fail and tmp will be null for the next time
+         * this way we save a test i < nmemb for each pass through the loop */
+        for(i = 0 ; tmp ; i++)
+        {
+		/* Assume the array is orderd */
+		tmp = NULL;
+		/* Comparing elements j and j-1 */
+                for(j = 1 ; j < (nmemb - i) ; j++)
+                {
+			/* If they are the wrong way around */
+                        if( port_group_compare_load_down(p_group_array[j],p_group_array[j-1]) < 0 )
+			{
+				/* We invert them */
+                                tmp = p_group_array[j-1];
+                                p_group_array[j-1] = p_group_array[j];
+                                p_group_array[j] = tmp;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+ ***************************************************/
  * Function: assign-up-going-port-by-descending-down
  * Given   : a switch and a LID
  * Pseudo code:
@@ -1915,10 +2073,10 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 	ftree_port_group_t *p_group;
 	ftree_port_t *p_port;
 	ftree_port_t *p_min_port;
-	uint16_t i;
 	uint16_t j;
 	uint16_t k;
 	boolean_t created_route = FALSE;
+	boolean_t routed=0;
 	/* we shouldn't enter here if both real_lid and main_path are false */
 	CL_ASSERT(is_real_lid || is_main_path);
@@ -1928,11 +2086,10 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		return FALSE;
 	/* foreach down-going port group (in indexing order) */
-	i = p_sw->down_port_groups_idx;
+	bubble_sort_up(p_sw->down_port_groups,p_sw->down_port_groups_num);
 	for (k = 0; k < p_sw->down_port_groups_num; k++) {
-		p_group = p_sw->down_port_groups[i];
-		i = (i + 1) % p_sw->down_port_groups_num;
+		p_group = p_sw->down_port_groups[k];
 		/* If this port group doesn't point to a switch, mark
 		   that the route was created and skip to the next group */
@@ -1980,6 +2137,10 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
+			/* We skip only if we have come through a longer path */
+			if(((target_rank - highest_rank_in_route) +
+			    (p_remote_sw->rank - highest_rank_in_route) + 2*reverse_hops) >=
+			    sw_get_least_hops(p_remote_sw, target_lid))
@@ -2010,12 +2171,6 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		 *      - illegal state - we shouldn't get here
-		/* second case: skip the port group if the remote (lower)
-		   switch has been already configured for this target LID */
-		if (is_real_lid && !is_main_path &&
-		    p_remote_sw->p_osm_sw->new_lft[target_lid] !=
-		    OSM_NO_PATH)
-			continue;
 		/* setting fwd tbl port only if this is real LID */
 		if (is_real_lid) {
@@ -2044,19 +2199,26 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		   the upper side of the link (on switch with lower rank).
 		   Counter is promoted only if we're routing LID on the main
 		   path (whether it's a real LID or a dummy one). */
-		if (is_main_path)
-			p_min_port->counter_up++;
+		/*		if (is_main_path)
+		  p_min_port->counter_up++;*/
 		/* Recursion step:
 		   Assign upgoing ports by stepping down, starting on REMOTE switch */
-		created_route |= fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-upgoing alg. start point */
-								    NULL,	/* prev. position - NULL to mark that we went down and not up */
-								    target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
-								    target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
-								    is_real_lid,	/* whether the target LID is real or dummy */
-								    is_main_path,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
-								    is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
-								    highest_rank_in_route, reverse_hops);	/* highest visited point in the tree before going down */
+		routed = fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(p_ftree,
+								   p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-upgoing alg. start point */
+								   NULL,	/* prev. position - NULL to mark that we went down and not up */
+								   target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
+								   target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
+								   is_real_lid,	/* whether the target LID is real or dummy */
+								   is_main_path,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
+								   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
+								   highest_rank_in_route, reverse_hops);	/* highest visited point in the tree before going down */
+		created_route|=routed;
+		if(routed){
+			p_min_port->counter_up++;
+			p_group->counter_up++;
+			p_group->hca_or_sw.p_sw->counter_up_changed = TRUE;
+		}
 	/* done scanning all the down-going port groups */
@@ -2070,6 +2232,8 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 	return created_route;
 }				/* fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down() */
@@ -2083,7 +2247,8 @@ fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
  *    assign-down-going-port-by-ascending-up on REMOTE switch (recursion)
-static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
+static boolean_t
+fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 					       IN ftree_sw_t * p_sw,
 					       IN ftree_sw_t * p_prev_sw,
 					       IN uint16_t target_lid,
@@ -2102,70 +2267,62 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 	ftree_port_t *p_min_port;
 	uint16_t i;
 	uint16_t j;
+	boolean_t created_route = FALSE;
+	boolean_t routed = FALSE;
 	/* we shouldn't enter here if both real_lid and main_path are false */
 	CL_ASSERT(is_real_lid || is_main_path);
 	/* Assign upgoing ports by stepping down, starting on THIS switch */
-	fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(p_ftree, p_sw,	/* local switch - used as a route-upgoing alg. start point */
-					   p_prev_sw,	/* switch that we went up from (NULL means that we went down) */
-					   target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
-					   target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
-					   is_real_lid,	/* whether this target LID is real or dummy */
-					   is_main_path,	/* whether this path to HCA should by tracked by counters */
-					   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
-					   p_sw->rank,	/* the highest visited point in the tree before going down */
-					   reverse_hops);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
+	created_route = fabric_route_upgoing_by_going_down(p_ftree, p_sw,	/* local switch - used as a route-upgoing alg. start point */
+						       p_prev_sw,	/* switch that we went up from (NULL means that we went down) */
+						       target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
+						       target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
+						       is_real_lid,	/* whether this target LID is real or dummy */
+						       is_main_path,	/* whether this path to HCA should by tracked by counters */
+						       is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
+						       p_sw->rank,	/* the highest visited point in the tree before going down */
+						       reverse_hops);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
 	/* recursion stop condition - if it's a root switch, */
-	if (p_sw->rank == 0) {
-		if (reverse_hop_credit > 0) {
-			/* We go up by going down as we have some reverse_hop_credit left */
-			/* We use the index to scatter a bit the reverse up routes */
-			p_sw->down_port_groups_idx =
-			    (p_sw->down_port_groups_idx +
-			     1) % p_sw->down_port_groups_num;
-			i = p_sw->down_port_groups_idx;
-			for (j = 0; j < p_sw->down_port_groups_num; j++) {
-				p_group = p_sw->down_port_groups[i];
-				i = (i + 1) % p_sw->down_port_groups_num;
-				/* Skip this port group unless it points to a switch */
-				if (p_group->remote_node_type !=
-					continue;
-				p_remote_sw = p_group->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw;
-				fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
-								   p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
-								   target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
-								   target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
-								   is_real_lid,	/* whether this target LID is real or dummy */
-								   is_main_path,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
-								   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
-								   reverse_hop_credit - 1,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
-								   reverse_hops + 1);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
-			}
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Find the least loaded upgoing port group */
-	p_min_group = NULL;
-	for (i = 0; i < p_sw->up_port_groups_num; i++) {
-		p_group = p_sw->up_port_groups[i];
-		if (!p_min_group) {
-			/* first group that we're checking - use
-			   it as a group with the lowest load */
-			p_min_group = p_group;
-		} else if (p_group->counter_down < p_min_group->counter_down) {
-			/* this group is less loaded - use it as min */
-			p_min_group = p_group;
-		}
-	}
+	if (p_sw->rank == 0){
+              if(reverse_hop_credit>0){
+                     /* We go up by going down as we have some reverse_hop_credit left*/
+                     /* We use the index to scatter a bit the reverse up routes */
+                     p_sw->down_port_groups_idx =
+                            (p_sw->down_port_groups_idx + 1) % p_sw->down_port_groups_num;
+                     i=p_sw->down_port_groups_idx;
+                     for (j = 0; j < p_sw->down_port_groups_num; j++) {
+                            p_group = p_sw->down_port_groups[i];
+                            i = (i + 1) % p_sw->down_port_groups_num;
+                            /* Skip this port group unless it points to a switch */
+                            if (p_group->remote_node_type != IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH)
+                                   continue;
+                            p_remote_sw = p_group->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw;
+                            created_route |= fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
+                                                                           p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
+                                                                           target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
+                                                                           target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
+                                                                           is_real_lid,	/* whether this target LID is real or dummy */
+									   is_main_path,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
+									   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
+									   reverse_hop_credit - 1,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
+									   reverse_hops + 1);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
+                     }
+              }
+              return created_route;
+	}
+	/* We should generate a list of port sorted by load so we can find easily the least
+	 * going port and explore the other pots on secondary routes more easily (and quickly) */
+	bubble_sort_down(p_sw->up_port_groups,p_sw->up_port_groups_num);
+	p_min_group = p_sw->up_port_groups[0];
 	/* Find the least loaded upgoing port in the selected group */
 	p_min_port = NULL;
 	ports_num = (uint16_t) cl_ptr_vector_get_size(&p_min_group->ports);
@@ -2235,6 +2392,10 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		   (on switch with higher rank) */
+		if(p_min_group->counter_down == (p_min_group->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw->min_counter_down+1)){
+			recalculate_min_counter_down(p_min_group->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw);
+		}
 		if (is_real_lid) {
 			/* This LID may already be in the LFT in the reverse_hop feature is used */
 			/* We update the LFT only if this LID isn't already present. */
@@ -2259,20 +2420,20 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		/* Recursion step:
 		   Assign downgoing ports by stepping up, starting on REMOTE switch. */
-		fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
-						   p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
-						   target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
-						   target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
-						   is_real_lid,	/* whether this target LID is real or dummy */
-						   is_main_path,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
-						   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
-						   reverse_hop_credit,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
-						   reverse_hops);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
+		created_route|= fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
+							       p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
+							       target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
+							       target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
+							       is_real_lid,	/* whether this target LID is real or dummy */
+							       is_main_path,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
+							       is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
+							       reverse_hop_credit,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
+							       reverse_hops);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
 	/* we're done for the third case */
 	if (!is_real_lid)
-		return;
+		return created_route;
 	/* What's left to do at this point:
@@ -2306,14 +2467,15 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 	 *         - go UP(TRUE,FALSE) to the remote switch
-	for (i = 0; i < p_sw->up_port_groups_num; i++) {
+	for (i = is_main_path? 1 : 0 ; i < p_sw->up_port_groups_num; i++) {
 		p_group = p_sw->up_port_groups[i];
 		p_remote_sw = p_group->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw;
-		/* skip if target lid has been already set on remote switch fwd tbl */
-		if (p_remote_sw->p_osm_sw->new_lft[target_lid] !=
-		    OSM_NO_PATH)
-			continue;
+		/* skip if target lid has been already set on remote switch fwd tbl (with a bigger hop count)*/
+		if (p_remote_sw->p_osm_sw->new_lft[target_lid] != OSM_NO_PATH)
+			if((target_rank -p_remote_sw->rank + 2*reverse_hops) >=
+			   sw_get_least_hops(p_remote_sw, target_lid))
+				continue;
 		if (p_sw->is_leaf) {
 			OSM_LOG(&p_ftree->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
@@ -2328,8 +2490,23 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		   We can safely assume that switch will initiate very
 		   few traffic, so there's no point waisting runtime on
 		   trying to balance these routes - always pick port 0. */
+		p_min_port = NULL;
+		ports_num = (uint16_t) cl_ptr_vector_get_size(&p_group->ports);
+		for (j = 0; j < ports_num; j++) {
+			cl_ptr_vector_at(&p_group->ports, j, (void *)&p_port);
+			if (!p_min_port) {
+				/* first port that we're checking - use
+				   it as a port with the lowest load */
+				p_min_port = p_port;
+			} else if (p_port->counter_down < p_min_port->counter_down) {
+				/* this port is less loaded - use it as min */
+				p_min_port = p_port;
+			}
+		}
-		cl_ptr_vector_at(&p_group->ports, 0, (void *)&p_port);
+		p_port = p_min_port;
+		//cl_ptr_vector_at(&p_group->ports, 0, (void *)&p_port);
 		p_remote_sw->p_osm_sw->new_lft[target_lid] =
@@ -2342,25 +2519,26 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		/* Recursion step:
 		   Assign downgoing ports by stepping up, starting on REMOTE switch. */
-		fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
-						   p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
-						   target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
-						   target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
-						   TRUE,	/* whether the target LID is real or dummy */
-						   FALSE,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
-						   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
-						   reverse_hop_credit,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
-						   reverse_hops);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
-	}
-	/* If we don't have any reverse hop credits, we are done */
-	if (reverse_hop_credit == 0)
-		return;
-	/* We explore all the down group ports */
-	/* We try to reverse jump for each of them */
-	/* They already have a route to us from the upgoing_by_going_down started earlier */
-	/* This is only so it'll continue exploring up, after this step backwards */
+		routed = fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
+							       p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
+							       target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
+							       target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
+							       TRUE,	/* whether the target LID is real or dummy */
+							       FALSE,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
+							       is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
+							       reverse_hop_credit,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
+							       reverse_hops);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
+                created_route|=routed;
+	}
+       /* If we don't have any reverse hop credits, we are done */
+       if(reverse_hop_credit==0)
+              return created_route;
+       /* We explore all the down group ports */
+       /* We try to reverse jump for each of them */
+       /* They already have a route to us from the upgoing_by_going_down started earlier */
+       /* This is only so it'll continue exploring up, after this step backwards*/
 	for (i = 0; i < p_sw->down_port_groups_num; i++) {
 		p_group = p_sw->down_port_groups[i];
 		p_remote_sw = p_group->remote_hca_or_sw.p_sw;
@@ -2371,16 +2549,17 @@ static void fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(IN ftree_fabric_t * p_ftree,
 		/* Recursion step:
 		   Assign downgoing ports by stepping up, fter doing one step down starting on REMOTE switch. */
-		fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
-						   p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
-						   target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
-						   target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
-						   TRUE,	/* whether the target LID is real or dummy */
-						   TRUE,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
-						   is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
-						   reverse_hop_credit - 1,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
-						   reverse_hops + 1);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
+		created_route |= fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up(p_ftree, p_remote_sw,	/* remote switch - used as a route-downgoing alg. next step point */
+							       p_sw,	/* this switch - prev. position switch for the function */
+							       target_lid,	/* LID that we're routing to */
+							       target_rank,	/* rank of the LID that we're routing to */
+							       TRUE,	/* whether the target LID is real or dummy */
+							       TRUE,	/* whether this is path to HCA that should by tracked by counters */
+							       is_target_a_sw,	/* Wheter target lid is a switch or not */
+							       reverse_hop_credit - 1,	/* Remaining reverse_hops allowed */
+							       reverse_hops + 1);	/* Number of reverse_hops done up to this point */
+	return created_route;
 }				/* ftree_fabric_route_downgoing_by_going_up() */

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