[libfabric-users] libnl error

Martin Cuma martin.cuma at utah.edu
Wed Dec 7 11:53:45 PST 2016

Hi Jeff,

the libnl trick worked as long as we removed the libnl-devel, and 
installed libnl3-devel instead. I wish RedHat would just install the 
libnl3-devel by default.

Now, I have another potential quirk with libfabric. I configured it to add 
Mellanox MXM, as:

All built fine, the libfabric tests work, but, when building MPICH with 
the ch4:ofi device, the make was complaining about missing /libmxm.la. 
After some hunting, I have located the source of this in 

-lrdmacm -lnl-3 -lnl-route-3 -lpsm_infinipath  /libmxm.la 
-L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib -lm -lz -libverbs -lbfd -liberty -lrt -lpthread 

It looks like the libfabric build has not correctly expanded the full path 
to the libmxm.la.

Is this something I did incorrectly with the libfabric build, or something 
that needs to be fixed in the libfabric itself?


-- Martin Cuma
Center for High Performance Computing
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Utah

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