[libfabric-users] use of fi_av_straddr

Howard Pritchard hppritcha at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 15:02:40 PST 2016

HI Folks,

I've got someone wanting to come up to speed with libfabric for an
As is typical, when one is looking at this api for the first time,
questions come up
about things from a different angle.

The user wants to know what good fi_av_straddr is, and if can be used in
way to load in entries to an av table via fi_av_insertsvc or similar.

Except for, perhaps,   informational output, is there any intended use
case for fi_av_straddr?  Could we standardize the format of this string
such that
irrespective of provider, it could be used as an out-of-band mechanism for
entries in to an av using the fi_av_insertsvc?

I've had a similar request from the Intrepid folks who I recall were hoping
to use
the output of fi_av_straddr, to determine whether or not endpoints were
by processes on the same node.

The sockets, udp, GNI, and usnic providers return a string of format
or the equivalent thereof, whereas the PSM and PSM2 providers return a
single hex

Would it be possible to standardize the output to be of form  network_addr
provider specific): portnum string format.  The string len could remain
I think apps could benefit from knowing that this string could then be
cracked and fed
in to fi_av_insertsvc,  and that the first part could be used to detect
EP's on the
same node.

Thanks for any suggestions,

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