[libfabric-users] connection-less endpoints and TCP services

Maurizio Drocco drocco at di.unito.it
Thu Mar 30 12:50:15 PDT 2017

> Add node = node address, and this is what you want.  Just create an active endpoint -- fi_endpoint() -- with the result.  The FI_SOURCE flag just indicates that the <node, service> parameters are local addresses.  If you set node = NULL, you'll get back a wildcard address.  That's still usable, but you won't know what actual address was assigned until you allocate the endpoint and enable it.  For example:
> fi_endpoint(...);
> fi_enable(...);
> fi_getname(...);  <- this returns that actual address that was assigned
> The result of fi_getname() can be used to populate the remote AVs.
> - Sean

Thank you Sean for the explanation, everything is working now.


Maurizio Drocco
PhD Student
University of Torino, department of Computer Science
Via Pessinetto 12, 10149 Torino - Italy

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