[nvmewin] Win8 assertion message

Harris, James R james.r.harris at intel.com
Fri Mar 16 11:21:39 PDT 2012

You may need to call GetUncachedExtension, even if you're not going to use it.  IIRC, on Win7 Storport would allocate the DMA adapter object during the GetUncachedExtension context.  Your adapter likely doesn't have any DMA restrictions, so Storport probably doesn't really need the DMA adapter object, which is why everything works without the call.

This is all guessing though - I did some quick searches on the online SVN repo and didn't see any calls to GetUncachedExtension, but I didn't look especially hard...


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Luse, Paul E
>Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 11:01 AM
>To: Harris, James R; nvmewin at lists.openfabrics.org
>Subject: RE: Win8 assertion message
>Sorry...  this output starts right as we return true from passiveInit
>fffff880`051a8cdb ebc9            jmp     nvme!NVMePassiveInitialize+0x396 (fffff880`051a8ca6)
>7: kd> p
>Breakpoint 2 hit
>fffff880`051a8ca6 488b442448      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+48h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`051a8ccc ba88130000      mov     edx,1388h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`051a8cdb ebc9            jmp     nvme!NVMePassiveInitialize+0x396 (fffff880`051a8ca6)
>7: kd> p
>Breakpoint 2 hit
>fffff880`051a8ca6 488b442448      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+48h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`051a8ccc ba88130000      mov     edx,1388h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`051a8cdb ebc9            jmp     nvme!NVMePassiveInitialize+0x396 (fffff880`051a8ca6)
>7: kd> p
>Breakpoint 2 hit
>fffff880`051a8ca6 488b442448      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+48h]
>7: kd> g
>Breakpoint 0 hit
>fffff880`051ad900 48894c2408      mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
>0: kd> g
>Breakpoint 3 hit
>fffff880`051a8cdd 488b442448      mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+48h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`051a8d06 4883c468        add     rsp,68h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700840 f6d8            neg     al
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700842 1bff            sbb     edi,edi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700844 f7d7            not     edi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700846 81e7010000c0    and     edi,0C0000001h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170084c 85ff            test    edi,edi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170084e 78c6            js      storport!RaidAdapterStartMiniport+0x21a
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700850 488bcb          mov     rcx,rbx
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700853 e8c0010000      call    storport!RaidInitializePerfOptsPassive
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700858 440fb69b68010000 movzx   r11d,byte ptr [rbx+168h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700860 4181fbff000000  cmp     r11d,0FFh
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700867 7602            jbe     storport!RaidAdapterStartMiniport+0x26f
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170086b 418bfb          mov     edi,r11d
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170086e c1ef05          shr     edi,5
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700871 41f6c31f        test    r11b,1Fh
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700875 7403            je      storport!RaidAdapterStartMiniport+0x27e
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700877 4103fe          add     edi,r14d
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170087a 8bf7            mov     esi,edi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170087c 41b85261564d    mov     r8d,4D566152h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700882 b900020000      mov     ecx,200h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700887 48c1e602        shl     rsi,2
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170088b 488bd6          mov     rdx,rsi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170088e ff1584970200    call    qword ptr [storport!_imp_ExAllocatePoolWithTag
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01700894 48898350120000  mov     qword ptr [rbx+1250h],rax
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170089b 4885c0          test    rax,rax
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0170089e 742b            je      storport!RaidAdapterStartMiniport+0x2cf
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008a0 4c8bc6          mov     r8,rsi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008a3 33d2            xor     edx,edx
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008a5 488bc8          mov     rcx,rax
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008a8 e8134b0200      call    storport!memset (fffff880`017253c0)
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008ad 488b9350120000  mov     rdx,qword ptr [rbx+1250h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008b4 c1e705          shl     edi,5
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008b7 488d8b40120000  lea     rcx,[rbx+1240h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008be 448bc7          mov     r8d,edi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008c1 ff1529980200    call    qword ptr [storport!_imp_RtlInitializeBitMap
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008c7 33c0            xor     eax,eax
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008c9 eb05            jmp     storport!RaidAdapterStartMiniport+0x2d4
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008d0 488b9c2488000000 mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+88h]
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008d8 4883c450        add     rsp,50h
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008dc 415e            pop     r14
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008de 5f              pop     rdi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008df 5e              pop     rsi
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`017008e0 c3              ret
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0173182f 8bf8            mov     edi,eax
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01731831 85c0            test    eax,eax
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01731833 7891            js      storport!RaidAdapterStartDeviceIrp+0x172
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01731835 488bcb          mov     rcx,rbx
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`01731838 4584f6          test    r14b,r14b
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0173183b 7524            jne     storport!RaidAdapterStartDeviceIrp+0x20d
>7: kd> p
>fffff880`0173183d e8eefafcff      call    storport!RaidAdapterCompleteInitialization
>7: kd> p
>Assertion: RaidIsRegionInitialized(&Adapter->UncachedExtension)
>fffff880`017184a1 cd2c            int     2Ch
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nvmewin-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org [mailto:nvmewin-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On
>Behalf Of Harris, James R
>Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 10:59 AM
>To: nvmewin at lists.openfabrics.org
>Subject: [nvmewin] Win8 assertion message
>I didn't see the assertion message come through.  Can you paste into your message?
>nvmewin mailing list
>nvmewin at lists.openfabrics.org

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