[Ofa_boardplus] kick-off meeting of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) has been set

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 12:05:39 PDT 2016

My apologies, I'm having problems with Outlook and I'm unable to send
 meeting invitation. I'll look into, but for the moment I'll repeat the
logistics here

thanks, Jim



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On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Jim Ryan <jimdryan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks to the responses I had to my Doodle poll invitation, I'm going to
> schedule the meeting for this coming Friday, 10/7, 9-10 Pacific. The
> Outlook invitation you'll receive soon will have the bridge information.
> Following is a quick reminder on the purpose of the meeting
> Regards, Jim
> .
> .
> .
> As explained in the poll itself, we established the TPC for the first time
> last year and we're trying to reprise it this year. We're inviting you as
> leading technologists to participate in what will become weekly meetings
> starting the week of 10/24.
> Our first order of business will probably be to develop themes for the
> Workshop. Later we'll ask you to review and evaluate session proposals
> consistent with the themes.
> Let me know if you need any further info
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