[Ofa_boardplus] Meeting minutes from 13 July 2017

Paul Grun grun at cray.com
Tue Jul 18 12:54:45 PDT 2017

I would like to renew my (vigorous) request that we adopt a standardized naming convention for the file names containing the minutes and agendas.  It’s just too easy to get Minutes confused with Agendas and Board Meetings confused with XWG meetings.

The informal convention that Susan had adopted was as follows:


So the XWG minutes from the July 13 would be titled:  OFAXWGminutes_20170713.pdf

I apologize for the seemingly annoying request, but it really does make life much, much easier if you can scan a list of files, or your inbox, and pick out the one you’re looking for at a glance.


From: Ofa_boardplus [mailto:ofa_boardplus-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Aguilar, Michael J.
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 2:22 PM
To: ofa_boardplus at lists.openfabrics.org
Subject: [Ofa_boardplus] Meeting minutes from 13 July 2017


Here are the meeting minutes from 13 July 2017.

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