[Ofa_boardplus] OFA XWG Agenda 9/14

Jason Gunthorpe jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com
Thu Sep 14 21:26:48 PDT 2017

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 07:36:21PM +0000, Coulter, Susan K wrote:
> Good points - it has crossed my mind that we agree to hire someone, and get no takers.  :)
> If we can only guarantee one year, that makes it more difficult.
> That said, it seems to me this would appeal to someone who is also working in another capacity somewhere.
> $55k a year is not enough to attract a skilled someone who needs a full time, fully paid job.

I agree with Susan. The OFA is not offering a stable full time
position, I don't think it is inapproprate at all to issue a 1 year
contract with a possibility for a follow on success.

It is not quite right to call either contract an ongoing expense. Each
time the board is elected the 'new' board has the responsibility to
review these things and decide if they wish to renew or not, which
should be done in the context of the revenue raised from the
membership that year, and current priorities.

The contracts should be structured to be time limited and everyone on
both sides needs to understand that it is not an employment situation.


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