[Ofa_boardplus] FW: OFA Workshop 2018 - Survey Reminder

Kolar, Divya divya.kolar at intel.com
Thu Apr 19 13:21:48 PDT 2018

Reminder to please take the workshop survey if you haven't already submitted your feedback.

We will appreciate if you can take all the below surveys. But if you are short on time then please take overall survey.


From: Joe Balich [mailto:jbalich at nereus-worldwide.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:36 PM
To: press at openfabrics.org
Subject: OFA Workshop 2018 - Survey Reminder

Dear Attendee, if you haven't done so already, please take the opportunity to provide the OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) with your valuable feedback regarding the sessions, topics and overall experience at the OFA Workshop 2018 in Boulder, CO:

*         Tuesday Survey: http://bit.ly/OFA18TuesdaySurvey2

*         Wednesday Survey: http://bit.ly/OFA18WednesdaySurvey

*         Thursday Survey: http://bit.ly/OFA18ThursdaySurvey

*         Friday & Overall Survey: http://bit.ly/OFA18FridaySurvey

Thank you,

-Joe Balich
OFA Press Team

Joe Balich | Nereus<http://www.nereus-worldwide.com/index.html> | jbalich at nereus-worldwide.com | Twitter: @NereusNow<https://twitter.com/NereusNow> |  d +1 503.619.4113| m +1 510.520.3700

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