[Ofa_boardplus] MWG Chair Vacancy

Coulter, Susan K skc at lanl.gov
Fri Feb 9 15:35:42 PST 2018

OFA Board Members and associates,

After many years of service, Bill Lee has announced that he will be stepping down from his role as Chair of the Marketing Working Group.
We are grateful for his long standing service to the OFA and he will be missed.

This is a call for volunteers who may be interested in filling that seat.
The MWG is a critical group, being responsible for the logistics of the annual conference every year - among other things.
This group is also the source of information that defines who the OFA is.
That information is used on our website, news releases, and collaborations with other organizations, etc.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this role.

Thank you.

Susan Coulter
Network Lead
(505) 412-6525
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

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