[Ofa_boardplus] New OpenFabricsSoftware webpage

Coulter, Susan K skc at lanl.gov
Fri Jun 1 10:36:07 PDT 2018

Please see the attached preso.
This has been sent to our web site maintainer with a request that the menu be changed as shown in the first slide.
The text will be replaced by what is in the second slide.
I’ve asked Ken to create a new page not linked to by any other page - but accessible by a direct URL.
That should give us a chance to tweak it before it goes live.

The text in the second slide was taken from what is there now, with additions by me.
The term “RDMA/Advanced Networks” was taken from our mission statement as our previously agreed to term for describing the ecosystem we live in.

Please also see the attached spreadsheet.
It is a list of the repos on the OFA git site.
The top section are the only repos that look remotely valid.
I’d like to hear suggestions on what to do with the others.
( delete after sufficient notice ?  archive somewhere ? )

If we can ultimately move the valid bits to github - we can then discontinue a separate git site.
( which I think is a goal we should try to achieve sooner rather than later - but probably needs EWG input )

Susan Coulter
Network Lead
(505) 412-6525
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

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