OFA_OpenFabrics_Manager [EXTERNAL] RE: SC20 BoF Proposal

Aguilar, Michael J. mjaguil at sandia.gov
Sun Aug 16 07:59:25 PDT 2020


Sorry for this, I got this too late, as we had to get the submission in Friday afternoon, after literally starting the submission at 10:30 am.  I tried to edit just now, but the update function is ‘greyed out’.

My guess is that we’ll probably get ‘dinged’ by the reviewers for an obvious mistake in the first sentence, as well.  The ‘Long’ portion is just for reviewers?  If we get approved, I get those changes made immediately.


From: Gilad Shainer <Shainer at Mellanox.com>
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2020 at 6:15 AM
To: "Herrell, Russ W (Senior System Architect)" <russ.herrell at hpe.com>, "Aguilar, Michael J." <mjaguil at sandia.gov>, "p.grun55 at gmail.com" <p.grun55 at gmail.com>, "ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org" <ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: OFA_OpenFabrics_Manager SC20 BoF Proposal

InfiniBand is not an emerging fabric and should be deleted. Same as you do not list Ethernet for example, which should not be listed due to the same reason.

Gilad Shainer
Mellanox SVP Marketing, NVIDIA
Office: +1-408-916-0048, Mobile: +1-408-421-0048

From: Ofa_ofm [mailto:ofa_ofm-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Herrell, Russ W (Senior System Architect)
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 3:29 PM
To: Aguilar, Michael J. <mjaguil at sandia.gov<mailto:mjaguil at sandia.gov>>; p.grun55 at gmail.com<mailto:p.grun55 at gmail.com>; ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org<mailto:ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org>
Subject: Re: OFA_OpenFabrics_Manager SC20 BoF Proposal

External email: Use caution opening links or attachments

Just a 4 word change….


From: Ofa_ofm [mailto:ofa_ofm-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Aguilar, Michael J.
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 4:15 PM
To: p.grun55 at gmail.com<mailto:p.grun55 at gmail.com>; ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org<mailto:ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org>
Subject: Re: OFA_OpenFabrics_Manager [EXTERNAL] SC20 BoF Proposal

From: Ofa_ofm <ofa_ofm-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org<mailto:ofa_ofm-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org>> on behalf of "p.grun55 at gmail.com<mailto:p.grun55 at gmail.com>" <p.grun55 at gmail.com<mailto:p.grun55 at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, August 14, 2020 at 4:00 PM
To: "ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org<mailto:ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org>" <ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org<mailto:ofa_ofm at lists.openfabrics.org>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] OFA_OpenFabrics_Manager SC20 BoF Proposal

I polished up what we had this morning and pushed it up to the OFA Repo; it can be found on the repo here<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdownloads.openfabrics.org%2FWorkGroups%2Fofmwg%2FSC20_BoF%2F&data=02%7C01%7CShainer%40nvidia.com%7C178675d39430400f676b08d840a18024%7C43083d15727340c1b7db39efd9ccc17a%7C0%7C0%7C637330409678604144&sdata=zp%2BAOGrn%2F360qQmgBxogeJR14FWecH%2Bns%2FvXIQo8nGo%3D&reserved=0>.
I am also attaching a copy to this email.  Please respond to the list with your comments, or feel free to edit the draft.  If you do so, please append your initials to the filename, (e.g. OFA_BoF_Abstract_SC20_pg.docx) and post to the mailing list.  Michael and I will figure out how to merge the results.  We have only a few hours until this is due, so don’t let perfection stand in the way of completion.
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