[OFIWG-MPI] 1.3.0rc2 releases

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Fri Apr 1 20:05:10 PDT 2016

Given that there were a bunch of changes today (including a bug fix within the last hour), it seemed prudent to *not* do a final release at 11pm on a Friday evening.  Instead, I have made 1.3.0rc2 and published it in the usual location:


I leave it to all of you to do the final release on Monday.  It would probably be good to get visual agreement from everyone in the room together before doing the final release, anyway.

The checklist items on https://github.com/ofiwg/libfabric/issues/1905 should guide you through what needs to be done for the release.

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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